We recently did a blog post on Mind, Body & Soul Cleanses. We love to think of our juice cleanses as not only a physical gift to our bodies but an opportunity to take inventory and cultivate awareness in our lives.
By and large we are creatures of habit so we find these rituals and routines really helpful for our personal growth and development. As you all know we encourage seasonal cleansing as it acts as a really helpful marker for the passing of time, connects us to the rhythms of nature and prepares us for the season ahead. Why not take this one step further and cleanse with the Summer Solstice? Don't let the stereotypes deter you, you don’t have to be a pagean witch to celebrate! Using dates like Summer Solstice or Spring Equinox around which to plan your cleanses feels so special and connected. We also find it feels much more intentional, thus holding us accountable.
Summer Solstice is a celebration of light, let’s embrace this energy and direct it towards something productive and impactful. Whether you are cleansing today or not, here are some ways you can mark this day and make the most out of it:
1. Get outside and walk in nature. Nature calms anxiety and quietens the mind. If possible leave your phone at home. It's amazing how even on a walk we are still plugged into something, listening to a podcast or music.
2. Journalling. Write it out. This is a perfect time to meditate on your goals, circumstances and journal out any stuck emotions. We also like to set our intentions for the season ahead.
3. Embrace human connection. Too often we find that self discovery is isolating, we hear you need to be alone to grow. Connecting with others is another form of self care, engaging with our loved ones and spending quality time is always much needed.
4. Make them your own rituals. Whether you want to make a practice out of cleansing over the solstice, running a bath, lighting some candles and journaling, or you want to go for a big walk in nature and book in an al fresco dinner with lots of friends. However you wish to celebrate it is a really fun, happy occasion to join in on!