Living authentically isn’t just an Instagram concept, it is the struggle we all face day to day. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with aspirational lifestyles, diet plans and influencers so many of us have lost that innate connection to ourselves and what we truly want or need. Sometimes we find ourselves conflicted between the decisions we 'should' make, and following our gut instinct. Human Design is a segway to reconnect you back with yourself and encourage you to follow your own unique path instead of trying to get into somebody else’s lane. It allows you to forgive yourself for not being like 'X' and gives you an explanation for a lifetime of frustrations when you aren’t tapping into your innate personality.
We had an incredibly insightful reading with the lovely Olivia Iasonos from Embodied Human Design, whom we discovered after hearing her speak so eloquently on Danielle Copperman’s podcast. Human design is essentially an astrological approach but with centuries of wisdom to support its claims. This system draws on the philosophy of astrology, the Kabbalah tree of life, the Hindu chakra system and the I - Ching combined. It’s a really inspiring modality to look into. Human Design was only channeled in the 80’s but it draws on these ancient philosophies and wisdom, making it a system that synthesises all these ancient systems. As Olivia said Human Design really gives you “permission to be unapologetically you, we are all born unique and your reading is your roadmap to step into our own uniqueness and you can lean into it to find deep satisfaction, deep peace and deep success.” What could be better? It essentially teaches how to be true to yourself!
In order to look into your own Human Design, you simply need to know, your date of birth and the exact time and place you were born. You can actually call the hospital you were born in to confirm this if you don’t know for sure. Once you have gathered all that information you can then input the information here to find out more. There are 5 different design types in Human Design, these are manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors and reflectors. Here is a little more information about each energy type to get you started:
Manifestors represent about 9% of the population, they are the natural initiators amongst us. Their strategy is to inform those around them of their decisions before taking action, this naturally relaxes those around them, allowing them to initiate without feeling resistance or anger. Manifestors are here to have an impact on others.
Generators, together with Manifesting Generators make up the life force of the planet representing 70% of the population. They have an open and enveloping aura that is constantly drawing life towards them. Their strategy is to wait to respond (as opposed to initiating like Manifestors) meaning they are here to follow signs and synchronicities to know what to put their energy towards to achieve satisfaction and reduce resistance. Manifesting Generators tend to be multi-passionate, wanting to put their energy towards many different projects, tasks and interests.
Projectors are the natural guides, around 20% of the population, their strategy is to wait for recognition and invitations from others before sharing their gifts to avoid feeling any bitterness. Focusing attention on the wrong people and initiating without recognition can lead to exhaustion. Projectors need to be discerning about how to use their energy, they are naturals at mastering systems and reading into people with their focused and penetrating aura.
Reflectors are the rarest type, just 1% of the population with an aura that samples and reflects the energies of the environment and those around them. Reading others very well and acting as mirrors for society and they have the potential to show us where we are not living in alignment. Reflectors are here to experience the delight and surprise of life but can end up feeling disappointed and burnt out if they find themselves in the wrong jobs and friendship circles.
Olivia, is the prime example of someone who previously wasn’t living according to her own design. She actually practiced as a lawyer before discovering Human Design x years ago. She is such a pleasure to talk to and she took away any skepticism or fear within seconds and really put us at ease. Olivia also has extensive training in life coaching, continually asking intuitive questions to make the most of your reading, for you! She aims to lead you to the path of least resistance in your own life, sounds nice doesn’t it?
Olivia begins each session with a brief meditation to open the heart space and focus the mind. You are also encouraged to set an intention for your session prior, allowing her to steer you towards the most practical information for what you want to learn about yourself. Olivia's fusion of life coaching combined with the reading itself is part of what really drew us to Olivia and get the most out of the experience. It is a much more practical and pragmatic approach to Human Design than anything else we found.
I found the whole experience really enlightening, and most of all empowering. It's oddly freeing to have an explanation for why things haven't worked for you in the past. Olivia seemed to know me better than I know me and things make a little more sense armed with this information. We are currently in a drained society as so many people are living out of alignment and we are all so conditioned to follow each other and listen to SHOULDS, rather than wants. I can’t recommend a reading with Olivia enough so you too can shed the shoulds!