We are absolutely obsessed with the cold brew almond latte and raw cacao mocha that we created in collaboration with CRU Kafe for their summer pop up at the London Riviera. So we are thrilled to learn more about one of CRU's co-founders, Bodil Blain.

How was CRU Kafe born?
In my friend's kitchen. I watched her empty out the Nespresso coffee in one of their pods and fill it with her favourite artisan blend. It got me thinking why not create a company that put the best tasting coffee in the world into a Nespresso compatible pod but make the whole thing eco friendly. That’s why our coffee goes into a biodegradable pod. If you love the morning ritual of your favourite cup of coffee then CRU Kafe upgrades this to 100% organic coffee from Arabica beans, with no nasty chemicals and no unethical practices. You can even set up a subscription delivery to your door of our Nespresso friendly capsules in a range of blends.
You are a great advocate for a healthy lifestyle: how do you like to work out?
I love running, mountain hiking and skiing. I grew up playing lots of sports in Norway. I prefer being outside as I think we spend far too much time inside in London. Hyde park is my saving grace!
We love to balance out our coffees with a cold pressed green juice. What's your philosophy on healthy eating?
Don’t let your blood sugar plummet and come stocked with healthy snacks and drinks. I try not to eat things that are processed.
Do you have any natural beauty routines or rituals you'd be willing to share?
Every Sunday night I pamper myself and use every lotion and potion I own. I follow my friend Clemency Von Muefflings newsletter Beauty and Wellbeing. They make great recommendations as I believe beauty products can do more harm than good. I do swear by Vitamin C serums, hydrations masks, sleep and Yvonne Martins facials.
You travel a lot so do you have any good tips for staying well?
A Berocca before and after a flight, juicing, and of course CRU coffee to stay awake and to make sure my digestion is working well.
What's your favourite juice combination?
Anything with carrot in it. I'm a big fan of your Vibrant Veg juice.
What's your favourite way to enjoy your coffee?
I am a flat white girl. And of course a CRU Kafe x Radiance Cold Brew Latte!