In the 7 years since we opened Radiance we've seen a huge number of successful cleanses where we're thrilled to hear that our clients truly feel so much better from the experience. However we also see a few of the small mistakes that we're sharing with you here. If you have any other questions, please ask us!

1. Caffeine withdrawal headache on day 1
Caffeine is a really strong, addictive substance for your body. Even if you only have one coffee per day, if you do that every day then trust us your body will notice when you cut it out. So the best thing to do is reduce your consumption gradually in the week or so leading up to your cleanse. Try to make sure you've had at least 2 days with no caffeine before you start the cleanse. If you still get a headache on day 1, have a small cup of green tea as that contains just enough caffeine to keep you on track.
2. Drinking your juices sporadically
We supply a full daily schedule (together with pre and post cleanse guidance) as part of your cleanse. Although it's fine to adjust the suggested timings a bit to suit your personal schedule, it's important to keep drinking your juices regularly through the day. This keeps you feeling full and balanced and pre-empts any strong feelings of hunger that leave you unable to resist making inappropriate choices about food.
3. Not getting enough sleep
Time and time again we get feedback that people sleep much better than usual when on a cleanse. Make sure you maximise this benefit by going to bed early! A cleanse can make you feel more tired anyway, since you're leaving out the stimulants (such as coffee or chocolate) that we often rely on daily for an energy boost. So it's especially important to prioritse rest.
4. Going mad with your first breakfast post cleanse
You've finished your cleanse and are not surprisingly looking forward to your first solid meal. Pick something you enjoy, certainly, but don't go all out with a cooked breakfast and a cappucino. Your body will not thank you after serveral days of only liquids. The best approach is to start by eating little and often, beginning with easy-to-digest fresh fruit. Have a small bowl, then if you're still hungry an hour or so later have some more. Keep your eating light for the three days after your cleanse, and follow the post cleanse guidance that we'll provide you with.
5. Thinking that one cleanse is the end of the story
We highly recommend doing a cleanse with each change of seasons. It's worth scheduling your regular cleanses ahead of time to ensure you make time for yourself and prioritise your health.