How are you going to be enjoying your bank holiday? I don't know about you but we intend to get outside and enjoy the sunshine as much as possible. There's nothing like a long weekend + sun + delicious food + friends to bring us all together so we propose a picnic. Picnic food can always be a bit of a minefield of family share bags of crisps and sausage rolls so here are a few thing we like to prepare in advance to keep you nourished and satisfied.
Courgetti and Pesto
Served hot or cold courgetti is always a great option for anyone looking to pack the veg in, with a simple pesto sauce it's always a crowd pleaser for everyone to enjoy.
Hummus and crudites
Where would we be without hummus? What could be more simple, some chopped up carrots, cucumber and celery with some delicious hummus, We like this simple recipe from Jamie Olivier or there are some decent shop bought options out there too! Waitrose organic is particularly good.
My second favourite hummus accompanyment, falafals are fun to make with but equally easy to buy and even easier to transport. This is one of my favourite falafal brands!
A good hearty salad
Salad is the ultimate warm weather food, fill a tupperwear up with all the great, salad leaves, roast sweet potatoes, some roast beetroot, spring onions and some dressing. What more could you want!