Loyalty//Pricing and Lead times//Packaging and Sustainability
Embarking on a client feedback project has been one of the most insightful and rewarding processes we’ve been through at Radiance. We’re fortunate to have so many loyal clients from the last 10 years, and when reflecting on our goals and intentions for the next 10 years –it was obvious to us that the decisions should be made by you, our clients.
We were thrilled with the feedback we received and feel more confident than ever that the changes we are making to the Radiance offering will help deliver a better service and experience than ever before.

Core Product and Service
It was wonderful to learn that our client base is equally as passionate about our core values – 99% of clients felt that it was important that our juices are raw and unpasteurised, and 99% felt that it was important that all our products are certified organic. These product characteristics are what defines a Radiance juice, and we promise they will never change.
We were also thrilled with the results our clients are achieving with their cleanses, and the level of returning clients we are welcoming back. Three out of four of you felt that a regular cleanse would be beneficial either monthly or quarterly. We are so pleased that our clients can see how beneficial incorporating cleansing into their lives is and are not just seeing our juices as ‘quick fix’ – which is unfortunately the goal of so many cleanse companies in the market.
We also learnt that 97% of you felt that a personal service is important from your cleanse provider. At Radiance, we devote a huge amount of our time to supporting clients pre, during and post cleanse to help achieve the best results possible in the long term. Hearing the feedback that this is valuedis wonderful for us.
Where we can improve
Earlier in the year, we committed ourselves to critically evaluating our packaging choices. It was great to discover that packaging sustainability is important not just to us, but to 98% of Radiance clients. Since Radiance was founded, we have always strived to choose the most environmentally friendly packaging possible. As just one example, we have always used 100% recycled, recyclable bottles for our juices. They are made from a recycled plastic which is BPA free, and we were really encouraged by it being the top preference of our clients (even compared to glass).
We are very aware of the environmental impact our industry has and want to strive to be a pioneer in sustainable juice deliveries. What we found interesting in our research was that some of our clients were unsure about the packaging choices we make, and whether we could be more sustainable (or not). Off the back of this, we are committing to doing a full packaging review – from our caps to our cool bags. We’ll publish this later in the year, so all our clients have full transparency about what packaging we use and why.
It was really insightful for us to understand how important it is to clients to be able to schedule a cleanse quickly, and conveniently. With the nature of our service – making juices individually to order for each client, we’ll never be able to deliver quite ‘on demand’ – but we are confident that there are ways we can help to reduce the order lead times without affecting product quality. Our team is working on some exciting new options, which will help facilitate clients having more options for deliveries at shorter notice. We understand how important this is and are working on making it happen.
We’re also very excited to announce that we will be re-launching a new loyalty scheme in 2019, to celebrate our 10th year and to give back to our loyal and longstanding clients. Our goal for this is to help reward our clients, making cleansing more affordable on a regular basis so you’re able to reap the benefits all year around. So many of our clients are recommended by a friend, and this is how we’ve been able to grow organically over the past ten years. We’re so grateful for this and are looking forward to sharing more details of this with you all soon.
A huge thank you to all our clients who took part. We can’t thank you enough, and we’re looking forward to the next chapter of Radiance.