Healthy Easter Nests
by Olivia Cartwright,

Spring equinox is here, signifying the start of the new season. We made it through the dark, colder days and winter is finally a distant memory. There is always something so lovely and hopeful about spring. Symbolically a time of rebirth and new life, with all the budding trees and lambs in the fields, it’s difficult not to bask in the glory of the season.
That being said it’s hard to feel hopeful at the moment. We find ourselves yet again in unprecedented times, with tragic events occurring daily. It’s like trying to walk in quicksand and being unable to help in a practical way. It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed with the world and ignore our basic human needs. Now more than ever we must try to take the time to appreciate the small pleasures we receive each day. Even little things, like feeling the warmth of the sun, or fresh sun dried laundry can lift our sprits. In moments such as these, it’s important to support yourself both physically and emotionally. We can’t pour from an empty cup.
The change of the seasons is a period of transition and we always recommend a seasonal cleanse to support yourself through that shift. If we look to the cycles of nature, it makes perfect sense. Hibernate in the winter, rest, preserve our energy and emerge in the spring, refreshed and recharged. Ayurveda suggests we all do a seasonal cleanse every spring. It is such a lovely, natural opportunity for a fresh start. Our bodies are primed to lighten things up and a desire to cleanse away any accumulated imbalances, dust off those cobwebs and emerge rejuvenated.
Tolstoy once said “spring is the time of plans and projects." This spring put your energy into yourself. Make yourself your own personal project. The link between our nutrition and mental and physical health is undeniable. When you fuel your body, you reap the rewards. There is always a shift in energy in the springtime and there is nothing more valuable than putting that energy back into yourself and your own transformation. A cleanse is the perfect way to mark this change of the seasons, and both literally and figuratively wash winter away. We all know the saying ‘where you water, grows’. We can’t wait to enter spring and summer with a clean slate and watch you all bloom.
These beetroot brownies are a great gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free treat for all the family to enjoy, guilt free! If you've given up chocolate for lent, then why not swap out the raw cacao for carob?
2 beetroot
2 eggs room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/8 cup coconut oil melted
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 cup almond flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp dark chocolate chips for the top