by Olivia Cartwright,

A commonly asked question from the Radiance community is, “why don’t you use glass bottles for your cleanse?” 

And believe us when we say - we understand the initial appeal! We have done extensive research into what the best option is, for our clients, the planet and for us. 

We use rPET bottles. Did you know that a 2020 study showed that rPET bottles actually have a much smaller carbon footprint than glass and aluminium? Even compared to returnable glass bottles reused up to 8 times (which they rarely are). rPET takes less energy to produce, and is lighter to transport. A 3 day juice cleanse with 6 bottles a day is 9 litres of juice. Imagine the weight when you add 18 glass bottles to that box. 

The same study actually showed that rPET bottles give the lowest contribution to global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, terrestrial acidification, fossil resource scarcity, water consumption and human carcinogenic toxicity, even when compared to re-used glass bottles. 

rPET is not only made from recycled plastic, but it is also fully recyclable again. You can even leave the labels on when you recycle them. 

Breakage & Waste. Glass bottles are a challenge when it comes to shipping. It is not only a wastage issue when a cleanse is destroyed in transit but also a health and safety hazard when a box of broken glass is delivered to your door. 

Please trust that each and every aspect of our business has been carefully considered and meticulously planned to ensure we are as kind to the planet as we possibly can be.

This is one conversation we don’t want to stop having and we are continually reviewing, learning and improving, so please do come to us with any suggestions or questions. 



What does 2023 hold?

by Olivia Cartwright, , link


The new year is in full swing and we are feeling hopeful. I’ve actually always loved January for that reason, there’s a lot of hope in January. Hope in yourself and hope for the upcoming year. Here are some of our positive predictions for the year ahead. (This is just a bit of fun not based on anything in particular). 

1. The resurgence of minimalism. The pandemic years were huge for consumption, we were all just sat at home buying things. The never ending growth of social media and the introduction of ‘viral’ content persuaded us we needed the latest thing. This applied to everything from clothes, technology, even to recipes. Collectively we have amassed a lot of 'stuff' over the last few years and we predict a desire to strip things back and own less. We are fatigued by being a big consumer; we want to be more intentional in what we own. 

2. Embracing ageing. We predict a rejection of the anti ageing rhetoric. For decades it’s been about turning the clock back. With the crazy rise of cosmetic surgery and tweakments becoming normal. We want people to start seeing ageing as a beautiful thing. A shift of perspective to view getting wrinkles as a mark of a life well lived. Youth is so celebrated and why? We want to put our focus on enjoying life, taking care of yourself inside and out, and caring less about the external. Fighting against nature makes no sense.

3. We sense a deep desire for connection in the real world again, and a rediscovery of the idea of being present! Everything we have done in the last few years has been very virtual. We predict excitement about going out in the world and doing things again. We want to be with others in person and enjoy connection and community once more. 

4. We predict more time off our devices and a general rejection of social media. Social media is a monster of our own making and it can be a toxic machine that so many of us (me included!) are at least mildly addicted to. We think people will try to consume social media more consciously. We want to put the phone down. 

5. Podcasts are already a huge industry but we can see podcasts becoming an even more popular way to consume information. With TikTok and Instagram our attention span has become worryingly short. We love podcasts format of showcasing slow form conversation. 



by Olivia Cartwright, , link


Serves 4-6


a splash of olive oil
1 leek, washed, trimmed and finely sliced
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons black mustard seeds
juice of 2–3 lemons
250g split red lentils
1 veg stock cube 
4 handfuls of kale (or other greens), washed, trimmed and shredded

To serve (optional)
yoghurt, stirred with a little sea salt

- Get a large pan on the heat. Add a little oil and turn the heat to medium. Add the leek and fry for a few minutes, until it has softened and smells sweet, then add the spices and fry for another couple of minutes. Squeeze in the juice of 1 lemon and stir around to lift all the spices from the bottom of the pan.

- Next, add the lentils, 1.5 litres of water and the stock cube or powder and allow to bubble away for 20–35 minutes, until the lentils are cooked and the soup has thickened.

- Turn off the heat and, if you like, you can blitz the whole lot to a thin dhal consistency, then squeeze in the juice of the remaining 2 lemons, tasting as you go to make sure it doesn’t get too lemony. It may seem like a lot, but you really want the lemony tang to come through.

- Just before you’re ready to serve, sauté the kale in a little olive oil until it slightly softens but begins to crisp at the edges.

- Ladle into bowls and top with the salted yoghurt and the crispy kale.

Established London 2009
100% Organic Cold-Pressed
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