We wanted to once again thank everyone who kindly completed our survey. It is brilliant to hear your thoughts on how we're doing, where we can do better and what you'd like to see us do in future! As a result of your wonderful feedback we've been busy working away behind the scenes.
As you'll hopefully have already seen we launched some new juices and nut mylks this week, and we're really excited for you to try them.
Whilst we were introducing new things we also decided to change the names of some of our existing juices as we felt it would be helpful to have names that reflected them better.
On all the juices with updated names we've put a note in the description with the old name, so you can still find your old favourites.
If you can't find what you're looking for or you'd like some help building your own cleanse we are as always very happy to assist. Please either email info@radiancecleanse.com or call 020 3544 8163.