Multi-talented Kara Mia Vernon is a qualified naturopath, nutritionist, homeopath and colon hydrotherapist. She's been practising for a decade and has seen the damage that our modern diet and lifestyles can do to good health.

After a recent treatment with Kara Mia, we couldn't resist asking for her 10 commandments for better gut health.
1. If it’s man-made then avoid it. Butter is always better than margarine; sugar is better than Aspartame.
2. Avoid wheat where possible. Sadly it’s everywhere. Even if you try and avoid it, you’ll still end up eating it.
3. Drink water. Make it choice number one at all times. Ideally still. If sparkling make sure it’s the naturally sparkling kind. Aim for one litre per day, two if you’re feeling up for it.
4. Coffee is allowed, once a day, prior to noon. Give yourself a break from it occasionally.
5. Avoid soya. Fermented soya is fine (e.g. miso, tempeh) but most are of poor quality, and an estrogen mimicker which is fine if you want to have awful PMS or Moobs.
6. EAT VEGETABLES. Try and make this 60% of your diet. Raw or lightly steamed is best.
7. AVOID sugar. It’s evil. The true cause of all chronic illness, I kid you not.
8. Pay no attention to the Cholesterol debate. Fats are good for you. Sugar kills, fats don’t.
9. Do not drink with your meals. A small amount of water or a glass of wine with dinner is okay.
10. Don’t eat at your desk. Walk away, breathe, then eat. And chew.
Lastly, a little note from Radiance: For your next cleanse, we would highly recommend a colon hydrotherapy session with Kara Mia. She practises at Grace Belgravia's medical centre in central London. We understand that it's not for everyone, but if you want to get maximum benefits from your cleanse then do give it a try. She offers a 10% discount to all Radiance clients and you can find out more HERE. Simply quote RADIANCE when booking.